Sketch a Day – February Favourites

“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint’, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”
– Vincent van Gogh

Did you make a New Year resolution to break out your art supplies and finally leap into that creative project you’ve been wanting to tackle? It’s never too late to start!

Are you about to kick off your second month of a 365 day art challenge? February felicitations, friend! 

Perhaps you’re just looking for a little inspiration, a giggle at some weird characters, or some encouragement from someone deep in the gouache and fineliner trenches.

In this post, I’ll show you that every day can be different – every sketch can have its own elaborate backstory or just exist in its own weirdness! 

The second month of a year-long drawing challenge can be a mixed bag. You’re riding high on the achievement of creating a new sketch for the first 31 days. You’re also wondering what’s going to come out of the mists of your imagination next! Who knows what’s going on in the abyss of your subconscious?! Well everyone will, as time goes on – so lean into it.

Join me on a creative journey, and enjoy the crazy characters that I sketched each day in February. Some days are hits, some days are misses – all days are an achievement. 

Some days, the birds even wear hats.

Brett hoped the birds wouldn't poo in his hair. The birds hoped Brett would turn out to be a food source. They were all disappointed.
Just two space walkers shooting the space breeze while having a quick game of 'who can balance the most space junk on this magnified space whiznut'.
Greg knew he was in for a battle when Terry came out with his helmet on. That bird would not take no for an answer when it came to bicycling.
Saturday on the stoop.
Ewe are one in a million.
Wilson Woodmouse was immensely excited to find the perfect leaf for his scrapbook.
Little Johnny Short Arms and the Overly Large Bird. Once upon a time ...
Everyone's favourite royal - Queen Lizardbeth the First.
Sebastian can't decide what's baffling him the most - the obvious structural flaws in the ladder, or the absolute nerve of the Warbler brothers eating their lunch on his perch.
He thinks he's people.
A lesson in friendship and fences, magic birds and promises.
Small gestures mean a lot. In return, she thought to herself, I won't tell him he's crushing my window garden.
Old Jim always says "A crust shared is worth two in the bush to a lizard drinking". He's not wrong.
Just a few snoozer paloozers.
A rabbit in a small coat. He has three magic beans in his pocket and a carrot for afters.
Penny was second guessing her ridiculously small basket and side chicken.
Neil trained for years to appear at the fish olympics.
Heath knows he's street. He's even got the hat.
Pablo McFurbison sleeps and dreams of piloting an aircraft. How hard could it be?
Pop goes the weasel.
Successful day on the farm. Chicken to sheep ratio achieved.
And together, they were alright.
Two friends having a leaf party.
Barry! Hey, Barry!
Philip learned early on in his career, to always hide a mouse under his hat for those times when he needed to create a non-combustible diversion. Timothy was happy to oblige on account of the number of morning teas he could pop out at.
Classic Carlton.
Geezers Booktopia. Whatever book you want, as long it's about cats, crayfish or cedar pine. It's niche. Capiche?

Let's Chat 🙂

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